We adhere to Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). We expect Event Organizers using our platform to also adhere to these regulations to respect our customer's privacy.
Opting In:
Customers (Event Attendees) choose whether or not they want to share their contact information with Event Organizers on the checkout page or through their MyZone Tickets Account.
Accessing Data:
A customer's contact information is masked on all reports accessible to Event Organizers unless the customer has chosen to Share Information with the Event Organizer.
If the customer has agreed to Share their Information, you, the Event Organizer are allowed to contact the customer for reasons of Marketing and other current or future events until the customer Opts out from receiving communications using our internal Email Blast feature or an external application of your choosing (ex, Mailchimp, Hubspot) by running reports and importing a CSV file that will only include emails of customers who have said yes to sharing their information.
Communication Exceptions for Important Event Information:
We understand there may be certain circumstances such as event cancellations, closures, or other unforeseen circumstances where you may need to send a mass email campaign to all event attendees, even those who have not agreed to share their information. In cases like these, you will need to use our built in Email Blast tool that only allows you to send an email without see the customer's data.
This tool can only be used by accounts who have this feature available to them as part of a package or by our staff. If you need to send communications to your attendees and do not have this feature, please contact ticketingsupport@myzone.com and our staff will be happy to assist.
Opting Out:
When sending out your email campaigns Event Organizers are obligated to provide a link to the customer to Opt-Out of your Mailing List. This is a 2-step process:
- You should remove them from your CRM
- You (the Event Organizer) or the customer can contact ticketingsupport@myzone.com to change the customer's sharing preferences.
* Note: Customers can also log into their MyZone Tickets account to change their Sharing Preferences by visiting: https://www.myzonetickets.com/customer/profile and unchecking the 'Share My Information' checkbox.
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