If you believe you were double charged for a transaction by a technical error you made on ticketZone.com, please contact us with the following information:
- First and Last Name of the person who purchased the ticket
- Email address of the person who purchased the ticket
- Last 4 digits of the credit or debit card used to make the purchase
- Name of the event you purchased tickets to
- Screenshot or print-out of your credit card or bank statement (if you are not sure how to make a screenshot or printout, please click here.)
We will investigate your claim and based on our findings we may have follow-up questions or may or may not issue a refund.
Click Here to submit your claim
We do not offer refunds for double purchases due to clicking the PROCESS ORDER button more than once. If you place an order and receive an error, please contact our support team before placing another order. The original order may have process successfully.
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